What does your Pastor’s Study Leave look like?

Some may wonder, is Brian away playing golf or shooting something? No. Here is what my day looks like when I am on study leave:


7:00 – 8:30 AM: With coffee at hand, I begin by reading my Bible. I am following my own reading plan this year and take time to read extra. Then I read my Greek New Testament, following another plan I developed. I try to read extra in my GNT as well. Then I pick up the David Livingstone biography. This has been very edifying so. After that, I read one chapter from Tom Schreiner’s excellent 40 Questions about Christians and Biblical Law. (Tom will be our Bible conference speaker this may).


8:30-9:00 AM I feed Geneva and let her out and check emails.


9:00- 10:30 I pick up another area of study for the day. So Monday was John Jefferson David, Worship and the Reality of God. Yesterday was studies in the book of Revelation and apocalytpic imagery. Today will continue with Revelation and hopefully the Olivet Discourse.


10:30 AM – 1:00 PM I go for a run or a bike ride and come back and shower and eat lunch. I check email again and then get back to the books!


1:00 – 5:00 PM I pick up where I left off before the run. I spend time writing down some thoughts. By 5:00 PM it is getting too dark to read, so I watch one lecture on writing produced by The Learning Company.


By 6:00 PM I am ready for dinner and start missing my family. I am in bed at 9:30PM after watching the channel that has old westerns.


Throughout the day I will pray, usually in response to what I am reading.


For those of you who pray for the fruitfulness of this time, thank you very much!


Back to the books.


Pastor Brian