Take the Log Out of Your Own Eye

Text: Luke 6:39-42Speaker: Jason Ching1/24/16[Listen or Watch] Jesus’s teaching brings out the importance of good leaders. He also calls his disciples to thorough self-examination before seeking to help others in their sin. What dangers result from following a bad spiritual leader? How can you seek to be faithful in the ways you lead and influence […]

Do Not Judge

Text: Luke 6:36-38Speaker: Jason Ching1/24/16[Listen or Watch] Jesus calls his disciples to show mercy and grace to others. This standard reflects what one has received in Christ. What are famous examples of God’s mercy in the Old Testament? In the New Testament? How has God been merciful to you? What are some ways that “do […]

Living and Holy Sacrifices

Text: Romans 12:1-2Speaker: Brian Borgman1/17/16Part 1: [Listen or Watch]Part 2: [Listen or Watch] Romans 12:1-2 has been a classic text for new Christians to memorize because it encapsulates our response to God’s mercies. Explain why Paul urges believers on the basis of God’s mercy and then explain what those mercies are.  What is the significance of […]