Next Steps: 1689, Chapter 11, Justification Part 3

Thinking clearly about justification is so important. As we prepare for the next study in the Confession, think about the phrase “faith is receiving and resting in Christ.” How are receiving and resting similar? How are they different? What passages come to mind when it comes to resting in Christ? What obstacles do you face […]

Pastor Brian’s Memorial Sermon for His Mother, Linda

My Mom’s Memorial Service Sermon (reconstructed from my notes) I have preached at about 75 funeral, memorial, and graveside services. But I have never preached one like this. I have had so many thoughts about what to preach at your own mom’s memorial service. I landed on John 20:1-18, it is one of my favorite […]

Next Steps: 1689, Chapter 11: Justification, Part 2

In light of the teaching on Ch 11 on Justification, identify your favorite hymn that talks about justification. Be specific about a line or verse. Helpful resources for hymns and songs: Sovereign Grace Music Songs Archive Getty Songs Archive