Sermons for 1/19/14

Morning The Unshakable ChurchSeries: Reclaiming the ChurchText: Matthew 16:18Pastor Jason Ching This series is meant to help Christians understand just how important the church is to Christ and to them. Quote: “Many Christians are a part of a church without really understanding what the church is, so they struggle to commit to and find blessing […]

Great Article by David Murray

Dear Grace-ites, For those who have wondered about the differences of raising children in a Baptist home and a paedo-baptist home (where the children are baptized) please read this excellent article from paedo-baptist David Murray. He refutes certain presumptuous errors and encourages us who evangelize our children and long to see them come to Christ. […]

Summer Module on Preaching with Borgman, Briggs and Elliott

This summer Pastor Brian will be teaching a week long module course on preaching for Reformed Baptist Seminary. The classes will be held at Immanuel Baptist Church in Sacramento Aug 20-24. Members of Grace Community Church can take the course for $70.00.   Please use the links below for all the information.   Seminary Website […]