We Have More Than Happiness [Sermon]

Text: John 15:9-11Speaker: Pastor Jason Ching3/16/14[Listen or Download] Jesus loves us like His perfect Heavenly Father loves Him and calls Christians to abide in that wholehearted, perfect and enduring love that He purchased for us on Calvary. Quotes: “Joyless Christianity is not Christ’s Christianity.” “Obedience is the language love speaks.”

Remembering Diane Gamble

Our God was very gracious to bless us with Diane. If you have memories or stories you’d like to share of her role in your life, please do so in the comments below. Update: The Gambles have set the time and date for Diane’s memorial service. It will be here at Grace Community Church, at […]

Sanctification’s Goal & Extent [Sermon]

Text: Various | Download notes (.docx)Series: Growing Into Christ: Yesterday, Today & Forever Speaker: Bruce Ware3/9/14[Listen or Download] What does sanctification actually accomplish and how much can we look forward to accomplishing in this life?