The Perseverance of a Saint [Sermon]

Text: Psalm 37:23-24Speaker: Brian Borgman3/23/14[Listen or Download] In the wake of losing our dear sister, Diane Gamble, we remember her life and our God’s faithful care. “It is not the testimony of a saint’s faith that saves, but it is the testimony of God’s determination to save the saint, for the Lord holds his hand.”

The Testing of Our Faith [Sermon]

Text: James 1:2-4Speaker: Brian Borgman3/23/14[Listen or Download] The past six months have been a time of tremendous trial for the church body. Pastor Brian considers these trials, including the loss of Diane Gamble, in light of James’ teaching on trials.

Because the King Loved Us [Sermon]

Text: John 15:12-17Speaker: Pastor Jason Ching3/16/14[Listen or Download] The majestic, all powerful king of creation calls us His friends and commands us to love one another as He loved us. “Each broken sinner made useful for the kingdom is, as Calvin said, an ‘enduring monument of God’s grace.’ “