All That the Prophets Have Spoken [Sermon]

Text: Luke 24:1-27Speaker: Brian Borgman4/20/14[Listen, Download or Watch] The Gospels describe two crucial events that demand that hearers become disciples of Jesus Christ: Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection from the dead. These events were foretold by prophets centuries before Jesus entered this world. “The death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus are the most […]

Bibles, Busyness and Bunyan [Book Reviews]

The following are some recent reviews by Pastor Brian Borgman. Every once in a while I am struck by certain books and there have been a few that have caught my attention recently. Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoungCrazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung (a few copies available in the bookroom) is a short book on being […]

Privileges of the Resurrection [Sermon]

Text: John 16:23-33Speaker: Jason Ching4/20/14[Listen, Download or Watch] The New Testament after the resurrection is filled with what it means that Christ rose from the grave. In this passage, Jesus explains the incredible privilege Christians enjoy in praying to the Father. “God never calls us to something that is not for our ultimate and eternal […]