He Ascended into Heaven, Part 2 [Sermons]

Text: Romans 8:33-34Speaker: Brian Borgman5/4/2014[Listen, Download or Watch] Learn how our security rests squarely on the ascended Christ and His present intercession on our behalf. “Bunyon wrote ‘God can’t ask, “Where is your righteousness?” Your righteousness is standing at His right hand!!!’ “

Is “Heaven is for Real?” real? [Sermon]

Text: VariousSpeaker: Brian Borgman4/27/14[Listen, Download or Watch] Books describing the afterlife, like “Heaven is for Real,” sell millions of copies, but what does the Bible say on the subject? Pastor Brian challenges Christians to be anchored in the Scriptures and use discernment when analyzing these these popular books. “Satan loves to divert away from God’s […]

He Ascended into Heaven [Sermon]

Text: Luke 24:50-53Speaker: Brian Borgman4/27/13[Listen, Download or Watch] The ascension of Jesus Christ is a massively important event that most Christians take for granted. Learn about everything the ascension meant. “What is the motivation for you as a child of God to draw near to the throne of grace? Here is the grand motivation! Your […]