Our Glorious Savior [Sermon]

Text: John 17:1-5Speaker: Jason Ching5/11/14[Listen or Watch] In an intimate and unparalleled hour, Jesus begins the “high priestly prayer” with a petition to return to the glory that is rightfully his as a member of the Trinity. “In order to return to the glory that is rightfully his, he pays the penalty for sin that […]

Introduction to Genesis [Sermon]

Text: Genesis 1:1-3Speaker: Brian Borgman5/11/2014[Listen or Watch] Genesis is called the “book of beginnings” or the “book of first things.” Genesis plays a critical role in shaping a Christian worldview. “The following 65 books of the Bible make no cohesive sense without Genesis!”

He Ascended into Heaven, Part 3 [Sermon]

Text: John 17:14-15Speaker: Brian Borgman5/4/14[Listen, Download or Watch] Jesus in His High Priestly Prayer prays for us to be kept from the evil one. Our well being depends on having a great high priest who prays for us continually. “We have a great high priest who prays for us and one of these days He […]