Longing for More [Sermon]

Text: 1 Peter 2:1-3Speaker: Jason Ching8/17/14[Listen or Watch] Christians are called to put aside sinful practices for the goodness that is found in God alone. “When you taste the goodness of the Lord you find that it doesn’t taste like anything else you’ve ever had!”

Creation – Days Four Through Five [Sermon]

Text: Genesis 1:14-25Speaker: Brian Borgman8/17/14[Listen or Watch] An exposition of God’s creating activity on days four and five. “We so often forget that the goodness of God is demonstrated all around us. If we would only have eyes to see we would be people on whose lips God’s praise would be more consistent!”

Creation – Days One Through Three [Sermon]

Text: Genesis 1:3-13Speaker: Brian Borgman8/10/14[Listen or Watch] In these passages, God acts and then evaluates what he has done, demonstrating his power and sovereignty. “Our reaction to this wonderful, amazing creation causes us to rejoice, enjoy, and praise God in our hearts.”