Sin & Temptation, Part 2 [Sermon]

Text: Genesis 3:1-7Speaker: Brian Borgman11/30/14[Listen or Watch] Christians must deeply understand sin in order to understand the Fall and their own battles with sin.

The Suffering Savior Triumphs [Sermons]

Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22Speaker: Jason Ching11/23/14[Listen or Watch] This passage marks the journey from Jesus’ suffering and death to his resurrection and victorious ascension, with special emphasis given to handling difficult texts in the Bible. “Salvation is found in the righteous One for the unrighteous many.”

Sin & Temptation [Sermon]

Text: Genesis 3:1-7Speaker: Brian Borgman11/23/14[Listen or Watch] Adam and Eve’s fall into sin led to every act of evil committed thereafter. “In Genesis 3, it was more than just Adam and Eve revolting, but it was the opening the floodgate to the world.”