The End of All Things, Part 2 – Love & Hospitality

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11Speaker: Jason Ching12/21/14[Listen or Watch] Summary Christians are called to show one another love and hospitality, both which are rooted in the love and hospitality God has shown them in Christ. A Note from Jason The hospitality of God was a joy to study for this passage. Our God is the master […]

Why the Son of God Appeared

Text: 1 John 3:8Speaker: Brian Borgman12/21/14[Listen or Watch] Summary When the Bible tells us the purpose of something, we should pay attention. 1 John 3:8b tells us that the purpose of the incarnation (the appearing of the Son of God) was to destroy the works of the devil. The devil’s primary work is sin. Jesus […]

The End of All Things [Sermon]

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11 Speaker: Jason Ching 12/14/14 [Listen or Watch] Being in the last stage of God’s plan of redemption should spur Christians on to a self-controlled and sober-minded devotion to prayer. “We pray as those who will have nothing unless God gives it to them.”