Civilization and the Spread of Sin

Text: Genesis 4:17-26Speaker: Brian Borgman2/15/15[Listen or Watch] Genesis 4:17-26 gives us a picture of the development of culture, civilization and the spread of sin. The line of Cain develops culture through God’s common grace, but it is also the line which desecrates marriage and destroys life. The line of Seth is the line of faith, […]

Our Compassionate & Loving Father

Text: Psalm 103:13-22Speaker: Jason Ching2/8/15[Listen or Watch] Like a compassionate father, God cares for his people. Though his people are weak and fleeting, the love of our God is enduring. It is difficult to read this psalm and not want to join the creation-wide worship service that David invokes at the end. What a psalm, […]

Where Are Your Feet?

Text: Habakkuk 3:17-19Speaker: Brian Borgman2/8/15[Listen or Watch] When life falls apart, we need to know who God is and who He is for us. The prophet Habakkuk begins with complaining about the way God seems to be doing things. He finishes with a glorious psalm of confident trust. This passage (Hab. 3:17-19) is timely for […]