The Day Death Died
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-58Speaker: Brian Borgman4/5/15[Listen or Watch]
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-58Speaker: Brian Borgman4/5/15[Listen or Watch]
Text: Genesis 7:1-8:22Speaker: Brian Borgman3/29/15[Listen or Watch] Genesis 7-8 form two foundational planks of biblical theology. Chapter 7 details the horror of judgment and the grace of salvation. Chapter 8 details the story of re-creation. These two planks form the story line of the Bible and drive home the reality that just as judgment came […]
Text: Genesis 6:8-22Speaker: Brian Borgman3/22/15[Listen or Watch] God’s faithfulness to His promise and plan is demonstrated in the life of Noah. Noah was a man of faith and obedience in a world that was corrupt with violence and immorality. He points us to Christ, who saved us through His obedience. But he also models for […]