Cleansing the Defiled

Text: Luke 5:12-16Speaker: Jason Ching10/18/15[Listen or Watch] Jesus heals a man who has leprosy, demonstrating not only his power over disease but his desire to cleanse humanity from its defiling sin. Discussion Questions  What was the life of a leper like under the Old Testament Law?  What do we learn about Jesus’ heart from the […]

Leaving Everything

Text: Luke 5:1-11Speaker: Jason Ching10/11/15[Listen or Watch] Luke describes the calling of the first disciples, with a special focus on Simon Peter. Simon Peter’s example provides encouragement and conviction for our own efforts to leave everything and follow Jesus. Discussion Questions Why would Simon not have wanted to take Jesus’ fishing advice?  What had Simon […]

Walking by Faith, Not By Sight

Text: Genesis 13:1-8Speaker: Brian Borgman10/11/15[Listen or Watch] In Genesis 13 Abram’s faith is restored and bears fruit. Unfortunately, his nephew Lot is not following his example. Gen. 13 sets up for us the impending tragedy of Lot and reaffirms God’s promise to Abram. Discussion Questions How do we know Abram’s faith was restored and he […]