Weddings and Funerals

I read a very good article this morning by Matthew Perry on "The Importance of Attending a Funeral" ( It resonated with me because over the years I have performed approximately 35 funerals (many of those for relatives of people in our church). I have also performed nearly 40 weddings. A wedding and funeral are […]

Remembering Ernie

Thanks to Pastor John Scheffer, I was reminded that today is Ernie Kuehnel’s birthday. Ernie was born on March 8, 1932 in Illinois. He went home to be with the Lord on Sept. 28, 2007. He served his country during the Korean War. In 1992 they moved to Gardnerville, Nevada and lived right across the […]

The Sermon that Newt Gingrich heard last Sunday

  This message was preached by Southern Seminary’s Russell Moore. It is excellent. Speaker Gingrich was in attendance.