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Be Careful How You Sing

By: Brian Borgman We love our hymns and songs of praise. Our worship songs communicate truth and stir the soul. I have argued in Feelings and Faith that one of the primary reasons we sing is to engage the affections with truth (171-178). Worship in song accompanied by music is glorious. However, I ran across […]

Beware That Your Hearts Are Not Deceived

By: Pastor Brian Borgman Deceived hearts I was reading Deuteronomy this morning and was struck by the LORD’s command to the Israelites, “Beware that your hearts are not deceived and that you do not turn away and serve other gods and worship them” (Deut. 11:16). God then warns His people in the severest terms that […]

The Lips of the Righteous

When we cover our church covenant in a membership class, I always say, “Immorality has slain its thousands, but gossip its tens of thousands.” I thought of that today as I read Proverbs 10. Throughout Proverbs 10 Solomon speaks of the “mouth of the wicked” and “the mouth of the righteous.” The contrasts could not […]