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Responding to the Light

Text: Luke 11:33-36Speaker: Jason Ching10/9/16[Listen or Watch] Jesus employs a familiar proverb to explain how our attitudes influence the blessing we find in Him. In this teaching, what does the “eye” represent?  How do healthy attitudes toward Christ enable his light to bless us?  How do unhealthy attitudes toward Christ prevent his light from blessing […]

Embrace Your Opportunities

Text: Luke 11:27-32Speaker: Jason Ching10/2/16[Listen or Watch] Jesus taught that true blessing is found in hearing and keeping God’s word. He also taught about how we must embrace our opportunities. How is hearing and keeping the word straightforward?  How is hearing and keeping the word difficult?  How do we sometimes separate hearing and keeping the […]

The Stronger Man

Text: Luke 11:14-23Speaker: Jason Ching9/18/16[Listen or Watch] As Jesus meets with opposition to his ministry, he explains how he has defeated Satan and he also urges listeners to choose which side they are on. How does Jesus refute the argument that his power is demonic?  How does the illustration of the stronger man help us […]