Feelings and Faith
Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life
By Brian Borgman
About the Book

This book weaves together biblical exposition and practical application to demonstrate how emotions relate to the Christian life.
Emotions are a vital part of what it means to be a human being made in the image of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ. But often our emotions confuse and mislead us. So what is the proper place for emotions in a Christian’s walk of faith?
In Feelings and Faith Brian Borgman draws from his extensive biblical knowledge and his pastoral experience to help readers understand both divine and human emotions. After laying a biblical foundation he moves on to practical application, focusing on how Christians can put to death ungodly emotional displays and also cultivate godly emotions.
This biblically informed, practical volume is helpful for pastors, counselors, and serious-minded Christians who wish to develop a full-orbed faith that encompasses their emotional life.
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Publisher: Crossway/Good News Publishers
Author: Borgman, Brian S.
ISBN-10: 1433503638
ISBN-13: 9781433503634
Westminster Bookstore
About the Author
Brian Borgman is founding pastor of Grace Community Church, Minden, NV (1993-present). He earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University (La Mirada, CA), a Master of Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (Portland, OR) and a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Seminary (Escondido, CA).
Brian and his wife Ariel have been married since 1987. They have three wonderful children, Ashley, Zach and Alex and several grandchildren.
“This book will prove to be a valued resource in personal study, in marriages, in small groups, in Sunday schools, and in other venues. May God be pleased to use Feelings and Faith to teach God’s people glorious gospel truths to help all find greater balance, depth of personal understanding, and growth in Christlike character – to the praise and glory of God above all.”
“As we follow Christ, our emotions may confuse and even disturb us. Borgman’s book functions like a clean breeze that blows the fog of confusion away. He shows us both biblically and theologically the role that emotions play in our Christian lives. God made us as whole persons, and this immensely practical book helps us to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and strength.”
“Evangelical Christianity today is often characterized by either an emotional theology void of doctrinal concern, or by a doctrinal mindset void of Scripturally-warranted emotion. In this excellent work, Pastor Brian Borgman helps steer us back to the Biblical center with wise counsel for a recovery of a spiritually healthy Christianity. If received with a teachable heart, both extremes mentioned above will be greatly helped toward the regular enjoyment of a Christ-honoring emotional life. Every Christian needs this book!”
“A book on Feelings and Faith speaks to an issue experienced by every Christian every day. But the mere fact that a book addresses a common issue does not by itself make that book worthwhile. What makes Brian Borgman’s volume on emotions so helpful is that he writes with such a clear grasp of Scripture and from a wealth of practical, pastoral experience. Give it
a good look, and see if it doesn’t scratch where you itch.”
“Brian Borgman has done a great service for the Church of Jesus Christ with FEELINGS AND FAITH .If this book maybe compared to a house- Pastor Borgman carefully lays a sturdy theological foundation , then masterfully builds a useful and beautiful and practical structure that will give joy and comfort for years to come. Drawing upon reliable guides (such as Warfield, Edwards and Thomas Boston) Borgman judiciously steers a wise course thru the minefields which await anyone who addresses this explosive subject. Borgman shows that he is both a sound theologian and a sensitive pastor, as he tackles some
of the stickiest subjects , but always with grace and practicality. The Christian counselor, the pastor and the layman in the pew will all reap great benefit from this book.”
“In Feelings and Faith, Brian Borgman examines the role of feelings in the Christian walk, encouraging Christians to receive and even exercise emotion for the glory of God. Joy, anger, jealousy, hard-heartedness and depression are a few of the specific emotions he considers— all in the context of prayer, sound theology, Christian fellowship, biblical preaching and good reading habits. Brian’s passion for the gospel comes through loud and clear! If ever you’ve been puzzled by your own emotions as a Christian, you will want to ponder the riches of this volume.”
“Brian Borgman has written a wonderfully Christ-centered and God-glorifying book about how, by God’s grace, to restore your emotions to God’s image. “Feelings and Faith” paints a biblically accurate picture of, as the Puritan pastors expressed it, “holy emotions.” It does not dismiss emotions as some do nor does it worship emotions as some do. This is an important book and I highly recommend it.”
“Here is a readable but comprehensive study that unites in biblical friendship the Christian’s theology and experience. With the heart of a pastor, Brain Borgman offers an emotional life line that will stabilize your heart and support your faith. Feelings and Faith needs to be in your personal library. I will return to it time and again–so will you!”
“As Christians, who hasn’t been confused about the relationship between our faith and our feelings? Are feelings an incredibly important part of your faith, giving you heartfelt ways to express love to God and others, or are they actually to be jettisoned from your faith, being perceived as something dangerous in your relationship to Christ? In this immensely profitable book, Brian Borgman, a very sure-footed guide to this topic, biblically and precisely explains the concept of emotion and how it is to be integrated into one’s walk with the Lord. I know of no other book quite like it. All at once, it is Scriptural, wise, clear, pastoral, transparent, and compelling. This is a great resource for instance, for a pastor who desires help in skillfully shepherding his sheep. It is also a wonderful help for a discipler and/or counselor who wants to instruct his disciples and counselees with their fears, worries, and anxieties. Even further, the principles in this work should prove to be of real, lasting value to any believer in Jesus who earnestly yearns to first grasp and then harness his or her own emotions within the context of a sensate culture that is quickly careening out of emotional control. For all who read this book, we should genuinely applaud Pastor Borgman’s diligent efforts in now bringing us the most helpful volume available on the subject of Feelings and Faith.”
“Brian Borgman has done a lot of work on this crucial topic and it really shows. Emotion is one of the least understood topics in our Bible studies and churches and this is a strong contribution to the discussion. I am thankful to have read and know others will also benefit from it. It has been a privilege to get to know Brian and his pastor’s heart for God’s people, which shines through clearly on these pages.”
“Martyn Lloyd-Jones taught us that if we see truth clearly, we must feel it. Authentic faith in the supreme, indomitable goodness of God in sending Jesus Christ as our substitute and redeemer necessarily transforms our feelings. The Holy Spirit awakens earnest love for others from a pure heart (I Peter 1:22), joyful acceptance of loss (Heb. 10:34), and cheerful generosity
(II Cor. 9:7). Pastor Brian Borgman’s Feelings and Faith stands in the great tradition of Desiring God by John Piper and Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Borgman clearly sets forth the foundational role of truth, unpacks a robust theology of Christian experience, and provides examples of how to mortify sinful emotions and cultivate godly ones. I highly recommend this book.”