A Plea for Corporate Prayer
A Plea for Corporate Prayer
Corporate prayer is not optional for our body. It is a critical part of our life together. A church that does not spend significant amounts of time praying together is a weak and ineffective church. Corporate prayer is one of the primary ways we maintain vital union and communion with Christ; it is how we express the needs of our body to our all-sufficient God; it is how we remain open to the power and operation of God’s Spirit. In addition to this, corporate prayer is a biblical duty, given to us by example and command (Isa. 62:7; Acts 1:12-14; 2:42; 4:23-31; Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17; 1 Tim. 2:8).
The adult Sunday School class is devoted to corporate prayer. Friday mornings also has men’s’ prayer groups.
I am asking every member of our congregation to make it a matter of conviction and conscience to attend and participate in these times of corporate prayer. Your absence has an effect. Your presence has an effect.
When only a few family members are present, they are discouraged knowing that their absent brothers and sisters are missing out on a blessing and skipping out on the labor.
When many absent themselves, it is a reflection of the low priority given to corporate prayer.
When many family members are not present, it is a reflection of the low commitment to the needs of the family.
Those are absent, do in fact miss out on a time where we meet with our heavenly Father, and what could be more important?
When many are in attendance, there is a greater enthusiasm among the faithful. Although God is not constrained to move through many or through few, the presence of many seems to be more inviting to the presence of God.
When many are in attendance, it gives a greater number an opportunity to share in our mutual joys and trials, lightening burdens, multiplying gladness and magnifying God’s glory in the answers (2 Cor. 1:11).
Attendance in corporate prayer is a simply way to say “I care about the concerns of God’s Kingdom and Christ’s family.”
We must all remember that there is more to church involvement than preaching and fellowship. We must pray! We must pray together.